2010 Election Results Historic for Michigan's Job Providers, Says Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Lansing, MI

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce today offered the following comments on the results of yesterday’s General Election.

“The results of yesterday’s election were historic and extremely positive for Michigan’s job providers,” said Michigan Chamber President & CEO Rich Studley. “Across the state, voters went to the polls and supported Chamber-endorsed candidates to restart, revive and renew the state’s economy.”

“We are very pleased with the election of Rick Snyder as Governor,” Studley added. “Chamber members and staff look forward to working closely with the Snyder/Calley Administration to reinvent Michigan.”

“The election of Bill Schuette for Attorney General and Ruth Johnson for Secretary of State also sends a positive message to Michigan’s job providers that a strong team of reform-minded leaders are now part of the executive branch of state government,” noted Studley.

“The intention of voters last night could not be more clear,” noted Jim Holcomb, Vice President of Business Advocacy & Associate General Counsel for the Michigan Chamber. “Across the state, citizens provided lawmakers a strong mandate to take the bold actions necessary to reform state government, making it efficient, cost-effective and transparent.”

“We are excited that in the Michigan Senate, 24 out of 25 pro-jobs, pro-taxpayer candidates endorsed by the Michigan Chamber won election, which means there will be an expanded pro-business supermajority in the Senate,” Holcomb added.

“In the State House, we saw a tidal wave of support for Republicans with their historic gain of 20 seats,” Holcomb continued. “Sixty out of 65 pro-jobs, pro-taxpayer candidates endorsed by the Michigan Chamber were elected, which means the Republicans will control the State House and be empowered to set a legislative agenda that is focused on restoring Michigan’s economic vitality.”

“Political and economic uncertainty is a jobs killer,” said Bob LaBrant, Senior Vice President & General Counsel for the Michigan Chamber. “Defeat of Proposal 1 (the call for a costly and risky state constitutional convention) and the election of two conservative, rule-of-law judges to the Michigan Supreme Court remove a cloud of uncertainty that has been hanging over the State Capitol and the state’s legal climate for months.”

“Our strategic plan calls for the Michigan Chamber to deliver business leadership through political action,” noted Studley. “On November 2, Michigan’s job providers played an important role in helping to elect candidates across the state that have a clear focus on job creation and business growth.”

“Now that the election is over, state government must transition quickly from campaign slogans to constructive solutions. As 2010 draws to a close, there is good reason to be optimistic that in 2011 we’ll get Michigan moving forward again,” Studley concluded.

According to the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce PAC (through October 20, 2010) ranks 17th largest out of the top 150 PACs in Michigan. In the 2008 election cycle, through the generous support of hundreds of small business owners and other business leaders from across the state, the Michigan Chamber PAC increased by 67 percent – from $268,655 to $448,725.

The Michigan Chamber is a statewide business organization representing approximately 6,800 employers, trade associations and local chambers of commerce. The Michigan Chamber was established in 1959 to be an advocate for Michigan’s job providers in the legislative, political and legal process.

For further information: Rich Studley, Bob LaBrant or Jim Holcomb 517-371-2100