Michigan Chamber Of Commerce to Announce its 2009-2010 Legislative Priorities/Agenda for Economic Competitiveness on February 2, 2009

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce will announce its 2009-2010 legislative priorities to lead the state to economic competitiveness at a media briefing to be held on February 2, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 600 S. Walnut St., Lansing.

Over 500 business leaders from across the state were directly involved in establishing the Chamber's 2009-2010 legislative priorities which address eight issue areas: budget and tax policy; energy and telecommunications; environmental quality; health care reform; lawsuit abuse; protecting employer rights in the workplace; transportation investment; and workforce development and student achievement.

The Michigan Chamber will use these legislative priorities to focus policy maker's attention on the challenges currently facing Michigan and to guide their decision making process throughout policy debates. These priorities are not an exhaustive list of the Chamber's position on every important issue that might be considered during the next two years. Rather, they are a communication to the Legislature, administration, news media and general public highlighting what Chamber members believe state government should or should not do within the legislative and regulatory arena to encourage job growth and economic development.

The Michigan Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 50th year as a statewide business organization, now representing more than 7000 employers, trade associations and local chambers of commerce. The Michigan Chamber was established in 1959 to be an advocate for Michigan's job providers in the legislative, political and legal process. It is only one of four state chambers of commerce in the nation accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

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SOURCE: Michigan Chamber of Commerce

CONTACT: Jim Holcomb of Michigan Chamber of Commerce, +1-517-371-7696

Web site: http://www.michamber.com/